Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Obesity's not just dangerous, it's expensive!

It's not a secret that obesity is very and very dangerous and brings discomfort not only for such people but for normal weight. New research at RTI International, the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, and the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) shows medical spending averages $1,400 more a year for an obese person than for someone who's normal weight. Overall obesity-related health spending reaches $147 billion, double what it was nearly a decade ago!
As you know two-thirds of Americans are either overweight or obese, and the average American today is 23 pounds overweight. Obesity leads to many serious problems such as heart diseases. That is really a big problem today and we should start healthy life to help ourselves!

"Obesity and with it diabetes are the only major health problems that are getting worse in this country, and they're getting worse rapidly,"
said Dr. Thomas Frieden, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Also he added that it's not an individual problem but a societal problem — as the nation's health bill illustrates — that will take society-wide efforts to reverse. His agency last week released a list of strategies it wants communities to try. They include: increasing healthy foods and drinks in schools and other public venues; building more supermarkets in poor neighborhoods; encouraging more mothers to breast-feed, which protects against childhood obesity; and discouraging consumption of sodas and other sweetened beverages.
And I think that everyone understands this but we do nothing against this problem until it touches us! May be realizing that it really harmful to our country at least at national bill we will start to fight against obesity and someday nobody will have such a disease!

Yahoo news
Medical news today

Friday, July 24, 2009

Is it useful to cry?

Many people believe that after you have cried your mood became better, but it's not always true.

Psychologists from the United States have developed a test in which test subjects were asked to describe his feeling after the weeping. It turned out the benefits of crying is not undeniable - its effect depends on specific circumstances, as well as the individual characteristics of people.

Not all respondents said that they feel better after the tears. 30% said their mood after crying does not change, while 10% of volunteers admitted that it was even worse than before.

Psychologists have established the law - only those who was given empathy from other started to feel better. Also crying is beneficial in terms of physiology - it relaxes and slows breathing.

However, there is a category of people for whom weeping is harmful. For those who suffer from high anxiety tears will only exacerbate mental pain.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Energy drinks, Is it worth??

Energy drinks represent a relatively recent invention of humankind. Many of us use drinks that "give you energy" especially students during examinations period, office workers during dead-line days, fitness coaches striving for a record, tired drivers and night-club visitors and everybody, who is very tired, but has to stay cheerful and vivacious. But is it worth drinking such a products?

Manufacturers says that their drinks are healthy and bring only benefits to people use it. But if everything is so rosy, then why legislators tried to advance a law, restricting distribution of a miracle-drink? Let’s examine.


There are the components that any energy drink contain:

  • Caffeine. Any energy drinks contain it. It has a stimulating effect: 100 mg of caffeine stimulate mental activity, 238 mg increase cardiovascular endurance. To gain such effect, you need to drink at least 3 cans, but manufacturers of energy drinks recommend drinking no more than 1-2 cans per day, so you do not get such an effect.
  • B vitamins They are necessary for normal work of nervous system and brain in particular. Sometimes organism can feel lack of B vitamins, but increase of dosage won’t improve your productivity, mental facilities or something else, like manufacturers of energy drinks try to persuade us.
  • Taurin One can contains from 400-1000 mg of taurin. This is among acid, accumulated in muscular tissues. It is considered to improve work of cardiac muscle.
  • Guarana This is chemically identical to caffeine and is also known as guaranine. It has been used for thousands of years by native Amazonians to help maintain their stamina and increase physical endurance.
So, what is pluses of drinking energy drinks, I even want to say that it is not exactly pluses, just moments when such a drink can somehow help you


  • If you just need to cheer up or stir up mental activity, energy drinks are great for these purposes.
  • You can find a drink corresponding to your needs. Energy tonics are divided into groups for people with different needs: some of them contain more caffeine, others - vitamins and carbohydrates. “Coffee” drinks suit inveterate workaholics and students, who work or study at nights, and “vitamin-carbohydrate” - active people, who prefer spending spare time in a gym.
  • Energy drinks contain complex of vitamins and glucose. We all know about use of vitamins. Glucose penetrates into blood quickly, is included in oxidative processes and supplies muscles, brain and other vital organs with energy.
  • Effect of coffee drinking lasts for 1-2 hours, energy drinks - 3-4. besides, almost all energy drinks are aerated, what hastens their influence - this is third difference from coffee.
  • Packing allows taking energy drinks in any situations (dance floor, car), what cannot be said about coffee or tea.
As for minuses they are:

  • Vitamins, contained in energy tonics, cannot replace multivitamin complex.
  • People, having problems with pressure or heart, should avoid these drinks.
  • Opinion, saying that tonic provides you with energy, is illegal. Tin contents open a door to internal reserves of organism, like a key. In other words, tin does not give you energy, it sucks it dry from you. A man uses his own resources, more simply, just borrows them from himself. Of course, sooner or later you should pay your debt, suffering from tiredness, insomnia, irritability and depression.
  • Caffeine, contained in tonics, like any other stimulator, exhausts nervous system. Its effect lasts from 3 to 5 hours on average - then organism needs a break. Besides, caffeine causes adaptation.
  • Energy drink, containing sugar and caffeine, is dangerous for young organism.
  • Many energy drinks!contain big quantity of vitamin B, which can cause heartthrob and trembling in hands and legs.
  • Fans of fitness should remember that caffeine is a good diuretic. And this means that you cannot take such drink after training, during which we lose water.
  • In case of overdose side effects are possible: tachycardia, psychomotor agitation, nervousners, depression.
  • Tonics contain taurin and glucuronolactone. Taurin contents is several times higher, than in all other products, quantity of glucuronolactone, contained in 2 tins, can exceed daily norm in almost 500 times (!). Even scientists do not know how these components work in our organism. They do not know how they interact with caffeine. That’s why experts state that safety of usage of such doses of taurin and glucuronolactone is not determined and further researches are necessary.
As you can see there are more minuses than pluses of consuming energy drinks. I hope it will be possible not to drink such products.

Thanks for reading!

Information was taken from wikipedia.org, womanspassions.com, inc.com, and my own thoughts ;)

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

You must drink orange juice!

While browsing the Internet I've found one very nice article about orange juice and I would like to share this information with you.

"An antioxidant in orange juice called hesperidin improves blood vessel function and helps lower a person’s risk of heart disease"

So, what is hesperidin?
Hesperidin is a plant-based compound called a flavonoid. (Grapes, red wine, green and black teas, and chocolate also contain flavonoids.) A growing body of evidence suggests that flavonoids can improve the health of the delicate cells that line blood vessels. The way these cells work is referred to as "endothelial function." Problems with these cells can lead to the development of clogged arteries, a major risk factor for heart attacks and strokes.

The researchers found that when the men drank the daily orange juice or the hesperidin-fortified drink, they had better endothelial function and lower diastolic blood pressure than when they drank the non-hesperidin beverage. In addition, gene expression profiles (as related to cardiovascular disease development) were improved.

But that is not all positive effects of orange juice,

Orange juice benefits:

  • Drinking a glass of orange juice a day can keep the doctor away. Orange juice is known to contain a high percentage of Vitamin C, which is helpful in boosting the immune system. So, you will be less likely to catch various illnesses, such as colds or the flu.
  • Various medical studies show that orange juice may help lower both cholesterol levels and blood pressure levels, which are two very common problems among middle aged men and women.
  • Orange juice is thought to be very high in antioxidants. What this means is that this yummy juice may help prevent various forms of cancer, including breast cancer and prostate cancer.
  • Fairly large amounts of potassium, which is an essential nutrient for the body, can be found in orange juice.
  • Studies have shown that orange juice can help reduce the risk of heart disease, which is because it can help improve circulation.
  • Orange juice contains Folate, which plays a major role in the reproduction of new cells and can help with the healing process.
  • Research has shown that orange juice has anti-inflammatory properties. If you experience a lot of arthritis-related pain, orange juice may really help relieve it.
  • Due to the antioxidants found in orange juice, many people believe that drinking it on a regular basis may help aid in weight loss.
As you can see orange juice is not only very tasty( I really like it) but it's aslo very healthsome.

Drink orange juice and be healthy!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Do you like coffee?

People all over the world drink coffee, but many of them don't even know about effects of drinking coffee. First of all I want to say that I mean real coffee, and I'm writing about true coffee, I mean "not boiled water + something like coffee".
On the one hand Drinking coffee provides a number of health benefits. Some studies have shown that coffee may reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes. Researchers at Harvard have concluded that drinking 1 to 3 cups of caffeinated coffee each day can reduce diabetes risk by several percentage points, compared with not drinking coffee at all, so it's very and very possitive feature. Plus drinking coffee reduce risk of developing Parkinson’s disease by as much as 80%.

"The evidence is very strong that regular coffee consumption reduces the risk for Parkinson's disease and that in the case of Parkinson's disease, the benefits are directly related to caffeine"

Dr. DePaulis

Trigonelline that is a component of coffe has anti-adhesive and antibacterial properties and that helps to prevent cavities.

"By and large, the studies show that coffee is far more beneficial than it is harmful For most individuals, studies show that very little bad comes from drinking coffee, but a lot of good."
Tomas DePaulis

  • Asthma – Drinking coffee can help to control asthma, and in some cases can even be used to treat an asthma attack when conventional medication is not available.
  • Colon cancer – 2 or more cups of coffee per day can reduce the risk of colon cancer by 25%.
  • Gallstones – The likelihood of developing gallstones is decreased nearly 50% by drinking at least 2 cups of coffee per day.
  • Headache – Coffee cures or diminishes some types of headaches.
  • Liver cirrhosis – The risk for this condition is reduced by 80% with the ingestion of 2 or more cups of coffee each day.
  • Asthma – Drinking coffee can help to control asthma, and in some cases can even be used to treat an asthma attack when conventional medication is not available.
  • Colon cancer – 2 or more cups of coffee per day can reduce the risk of colon cancer by 25%.
  • Gallstones – The likelihood of developing gallstones is decreased nearly 50% by drinking at least 2 cups of coffee per day.
  • Headache – Coffee cures or diminishes some types of headaches.
  • Liver cirrhosis – The risk for this condition is reduced by 80% with the ingestion of 2 or more cups of coffee each day.
  • Asthma – Drinking coffee can help to control asthma, and in some cases can even be used to treat an asthma attack when conventional medication is not available.
  • Colon cancer – 2 or more cups of coffee per day can reduce the risk of colon cancer by 25%.
  • Gallstones – The likelihood of developing gallstones is decreased nearly 50% by drinking at least 2 cups of coffee per day.
  • Headache – Coffee cures or diminishes some types of headaches.
  • Liver cirrhosis – The risk for this condition is reduced by 80% with the ingestion of 2 or more cups of coffee each day.
  • Asthma – Drinking coffee can help to control asthma, and in some cases can even be used to treat an asthma attack when conventional medication is not available.
  • Colon cancer – 2 or more cups of coffee per day can reduce the risk of colon cancer by 25%.
  • Gallstones – The likelihood of developing gallstones is decreased nearly 50% by drinking at least 2 cups of coffee per day.
  • Headache – Coffee cures or diminishes some types of headaches.
  • Liver cirrhosis – The risk for this condition is reduced by 80% with the ingestion of 2 or more cups of coffee each day.
    • Drinking coffee also can help to control asthma sometimes it is even used to treat an asthma attack
    • Drinking coffee reduce the risk of colon cancer by 25%
    • The likelihood of developing gallstones is decreased nearly 50% by drinking at least 2 cups of coffee per day
    However, on the negative side, coffee can cause a number of problems for susceptible individuals.
    Coffee can damage the lining of the gastrointestinal organs, causing gastritis and ulcers, so I recommend for people with gastritis, colitis, and ulcers to stop consuming coffee at all. Coffee consumption can lead to iron defeciency anemia in mothers and infants. Coffee also interferes with the absorption of supplemental iron.

    A February 2003 Danish study of 18,478 women linked heavy coffee consumption during pregnancy to significantly increased risk of stillbirths (but no significantly increased risk of infant death in the first year). "The results seem to indicate a threshold effect around four to seven cups per day," the study reported. Those who drank eight or more cups a day (64 U.S. fl oz or 1.89 L) were at 220% increased risk compared with nondrinkers. This study has not yet been repeated, but has caused some doctors to caution against excessive coffee consumption during pregnancy.


    • Caffeine can cause indigestion, skin irritations and arthritic flare-ups.
    • Also coffeine causes a release of glycogen by the liver, which can generate wild swings in blood sugar, causing attacks of hypoglycemia.
    • In some individuals, coffee can raise cholesterol, which increases the risk of developing cardiovascular disease.
    Drinking coffee or not is only your decision but I certainly believe that coffee and caffeine are far less dangerous than soda, especially the "diet" kind. if you do drink coffee, you would be well advised to drink organic coffee only.

    It is also a good idea to avoid putting milk and sugar in your coffee. The milk and sugar in your coffee are in fact much worse for you than the coffee itself.

    Finally, use only non-bleached filters. White coffee filters, which most coffee drinkers use, are bleached with chlorine and some of this chlorine will end up in your coffee during the brewing process.
    Take care about yourselves! And thanks for reading
  • Asthma – Drinking coffee can help to control asthma, and in some cases can even be used to treat an asthma attack when conventional medication is not available.
  • Colon cancer – 2 or more cups of coffee per day can reduce the risk of colon cancer by 25%.
  • Gallstones – The likelihood of developing gallstones is decreased nearly 50% by drinking at least 2 cups of coffee per day.
  • Headache – Coffee cures or diminishes some types of headaches.
  • Liver cirrhosis – The risk for this condition is reduced by 80% with the ingestion of 2 or more cups of coffee each day.
  • Asthma – Drinking coffee can help to control asthma, and in some cases can even be used to treat an asthma attack when conventional medication is not available.
  • Colon cancer – 2 or more cups of coffee per day can reduce the risk of colon cancer by 25%.
  • Gallstones – The likelihood of developing gallstones is decreased nearly 50% by drinking at least 2 cups of coffee per day.
  • Headache – Coffee cures or diminishes some types of headaches.
  • Liver cirrhosis – The risk for this condition is reduced by 80% with the ingestion of 2 or more cups of coffee each day.
  • Saturday, July 18, 2009

    Another blog about health?

    Hello everyone!

    That is not just a simple blog about nothing and I want to prove this in next words and first reviews!
    Everything that is connected with health is very important for every person on our planet. I'm really keen on health care and I've read many other blogs on this topic.One time when I was reading such a blog an idea came to my head to share my experience and my knowledge, so I decided to create my own blog. I'm planning to make lots of reviews about different directions of health, to post news in health sphere. I hope you will enjoy my blog and my posts will be usefull.

    If you have any wishes or offers you can always conntact me at tompoul1@mail.com or just write it in comments and I will try to improve my blog. See you soon!