Thursday, July 23, 2009

Energy drinks, Is it worth??

Energy drinks represent a relatively recent invention of humankind. Many of us use drinks that "give you energy" especially students during examinations period, office workers during dead-line days, fitness coaches striving for a record, tired drivers and night-club visitors and everybody, who is very tired, but has to stay cheerful and vivacious. But is it worth drinking such a products?

Manufacturers says that their drinks are healthy and bring only benefits to people use it. But if everything is so rosy, then why legislators tried to advance a law, restricting distribution of a miracle-drink? Let’s examine.


There are the components that any energy drink contain:

  • Caffeine. Any energy drinks contain it. It has a stimulating effect: 100 mg of caffeine stimulate mental activity, 238 mg increase cardiovascular endurance. To gain such effect, you need to drink at least 3 cans, but manufacturers of energy drinks recommend drinking no more than 1-2 cans per day, so you do not get such an effect.
  • B vitamins They are necessary for normal work of nervous system and brain in particular. Sometimes organism can feel lack of B vitamins, but increase of dosage won’t improve your productivity, mental facilities or something else, like manufacturers of energy drinks try to persuade us.
  • Taurin One can contains from 400-1000 mg of taurin. This is among acid, accumulated in muscular tissues. It is considered to improve work of cardiac muscle.
  • Guarana This is chemically identical to caffeine and is also known as guaranine. It has been used for thousands of years by native Amazonians to help maintain their stamina and increase physical endurance.
So, what is pluses of drinking energy drinks, I even want to say that it is not exactly pluses, just moments when such a drink can somehow help you


  • If you just need to cheer up or stir up mental activity, energy drinks are great for these purposes.
  • You can find a drink corresponding to your needs. Energy tonics are divided into groups for people with different needs: some of them contain more caffeine, others - vitamins and carbohydrates. “Coffee” drinks suit inveterate workaholics and students, who work or study at nights, and “vitamin-carbohydrate” - active people, who prefer spending spare time in a gym.
  • Energy drinks contain complex of vitamins and glucose. We all know about use of vitamins. Glucose penetrates into blood quickly, is included in oxidative processes and supplies muscles, brain and other vital organs with energy.
  • Effect of coffee drinking lasts for 1-2 hours, energy drinks - 3-4. besides, almost all energy drinks are aerated, what hastens their influence - this is third difference from coffee.
  • Packing allows taking energy drinks in any situations (dance floor, car), what cannot be said about coffee or tea.
As for minuses they are:

  • Vitamins, contained in energy tonics, cannot replace multivitamin complex.
  • People, having problems with pressure or heart, should avoid these drinks.
  • Opinion, saying that tonic provides you with energy, is illegal. Tin contents open a door to internal reserves of organism, like a key. In other words, tin does not give you energy, it sucks it dry from you. A man uses his own resources, more simply, just borrows them from himself. Of course, sooner or later you should pay your debt, suffering from tiredness, insomnia, irritability and depression.
  • Caffeine, contained in tonics, like any other stimulator, exhausts nervous system. Its effect lasts from 3 to 5 hours on average - then organism needs a break. Besides, caffeine causes adaptation.
  • Energy drink, containing sugar and caffeine, is dangerous for young organism.
  • Many energy drinks!contain big quantity of vitamin B, which can cause heartthrob and trembling in hands and legs.
  • Fans of fitness should remember that caffeine is a good diuretic. And this means that you cannot take such drink after training, during which we lose water.
  • In case of overdose side effects are possible: tachycardia, psychomotor agitation, nervousners, depression.
  • Tonics contain taurin and glucuronolactone. Taurin contents is several times higher, than in all other products, quantity of glucuronolactone, contained in 2 tins, can exceed daily norm in almost 500 times (!). Even scientists do not know how these components work in our organism. They do not know how they interact with caffeine. That’s why experts state that safety of usage of such doses of taurin and glucuronolactone is not determined and further researches are necessary.
As you can see there are more minuses than pluses of consuming energy drinks. I hope it will be possible not to drink such products.

Thanks for reading!

Information was taken from,,, and my own thoughts ;)

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