As you know two-thirds of Americans are either overweight or obese, and the average American today is 23 pounds overweight. Obesity leads to many serious problems such as heart diseases. That is really a big problem today and we should start healthy life to help ourselves!
"Obesity and with it diabetes are the only major health problems that are getting worse in this country, and they're getting worse rapidly,"Also he added that it's not an individual problem but a societal problem — as the nation's health bill illustrates — that will take society-wide efforts to reverse. His agency last week released a list of strategies it wants communities to try. They include: increasing healthy foods and drinks in schools and other public venues; building more supermarkets in poor neighborhoods; encouraging more mothers to breast-feed, which protects against childhood obesity; and discouraging consumption of sodas and other sweetened beverages.
said Dr. Thomas Frieden, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
And I think that everyone understands this but we do nothing against this problem until it touches us! May be realizing that it really harmful to our country at least at national bill we will start to fight against obesity and someday nobody will have such a disease!
sources: Yahoo news
Medical news today